N- PREMIER is an organic fertilizer that promotes the growth of mutually symbiotic fungus called Mycorrhiza . It interacts between soil and plants and provides several micro and macro nutrients from the soil to the plants.
The Role of N-Premier in Agriculture.
Increases Phosphorous uptake.
Enlarges the root system and enhances the water uptake.
Increases micro nutrient uptake (Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, Co, Mo, etc).
Reduces transplantation shock and increases the survival rate of
stem cuttings.
Induces systemic resistance and controls nematodes and soil borne
Enhances tolerance to different stress conditions like drought,
high salt level, heavy metal toxicity, water logging conditions, etc.
Increases quality of product and 15-20% of crop yield.
Content: Liquid Organic fertiliser promoting the
growth of stains of Vesicular Arbascular Mycorrhiza (VAM).
Recommended crops: Suitable for all
crops like cereals millets, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables, fruit trees, forages
crops and plantations.
Dosage: 500 ml per acre.
Soil Application: For 1 acre of
main field /nursery, mix 500 ml of N-Premier with 200kg of organic manure and
broadcast when the soil is just wet.
Orchards: Apply at the
root zone of individual trees or vines directly early in the season @ 2ml of N-Premier
to soil along with irrigation by drip /sprinkler per acre.