N Premier

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N- PREMIER is an organic fertilizer that promotes the growth of mutually symbiotic fungus called Mycorrhiza . It interacts between soil and plants and provides several micro and macro nutrients from the soil to the plants.

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The Role of N-Premier in Agriculture.

·          Increases Phosphorous uptake.

·          Enlarges the root system and enhances the water uptake.

·          Increases micro nutrient uptake (Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, Co, Mo, etc).

·          Reduces transplantation shock and increases the survival rate of stem cuttings.

·          Induces systemic resistance and controls nematodes and soil borne pathogens.

·          Enhances tolerance to different stress conditions like drought, high salt level, heavy metal toxicity, water logging conditions, etc.

·          Increases quality of product and 15-20% of crop yield.

Content:  Liquid Organic fertiliser promoting the growth of stains of Vesicular Arbascular Mycorrhiza (VAM).

Recommended crops: Suitable for all crops like cereals millets, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables, fruit trees, forages crops and plantations.

Dosage: 500 ml per acre.

Soil Application: For 1 acre of main field /nursery, mix 500 ml of N-Premier with 200kg of organic manure and broadcast when the soil is just wet.

Orchards: Apply at the root zone of individual trees or vines directly early in the season @ 2ml of N-Premier to soil along with irrigation by drip /sprinkler per acre.

N Premier

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